Tuesday, October 5, 2010


- Place right foot in center of foul line
- Place left foot shoulder width apart, slightly behind the right foot

The shoulder Girdle- Right scapulothoracic retraction ( adduction) by the rhomboids and middle/lower fibers of the trapezius and the left scapulothoracic protraction (abduction) by the pectoralis minor and serratus anterior.

Shoulder Joint-   Adducted and internal rotation by the pectoralis major lower fibers, sub scapularis, deltoid anterior fibers, lattisimus dorsi, and teres major. 
Elbow and Radioulnar joints- Flexion of elbow. Neutral position of wrist. Contracting the biceps brachi, brachioradialis, brachialis 

Hip Joint- Anterior pelvic rotation, contracting the satorius, rectus remoris, psoas major and minor, and tensor facia latae.

Knee Joint- Flexion of the knee by the biceps femoris, popliteus, semimembranous, and semitendinosos. Contraction of the vastus intermedius, lateralis, and medialis.

1 comment:

  1. - Place right foot in center of foul line
    - Place left foot shoulder width apart, slightly behind the right foot
